After this, we recommend that you check whether the app’s service files are still remaining on your Mac.Remove the MAMP folder from the Applications folder.Enter your administrator password to confirm the action.It will remove all folders and files belonging to the MAMP PRO installation, including the MYSQL databases that were modified while using MAMP PRO. In the MAMP PRO Uninstaller window, click the Uninstall button.Launch the MAMP PRO item.Go to the Applications folder → MAMP PRO.Steps on how to completely uninstall MAMP from Mac: Please, carefully follow every step from the guide to completely uninstall the app. Below, we will show you how to uninstall MAMP with its uninstaller and then find and remove its remaining files from your Mac. When you install the OS X MAMP application, it automatically installs MAMP Uninstaller. How to remove MAMP with its provided uninstaller How to completely remove MAMP using App Cleaner & Uninstaller.How to remove MAMP with its provided uninstaller.In this article, we are going to provide a full guide of two ways on how to completely uninstall MAMP software from Mac. Our support team is often asked how to uninstall MAMP from Mac. However, most users complain about the program’s propensity to freeze. MAMP is widely used by web designers when they need to test sites without uploading the data to FTP.